Wednesday 18 September 2013

Every dog has its day.

I grew up with parents who love animals, especially my dad. He had a big influence on be when it comes to animals, teaching me to respect and care for animals and not just treat them like lower creatures. So it is for this reason that i dont understand how a human being has the heart to hurt, torture and MURDER innocent animals either for their own pleasure or for mostly monetary gain.

We are now living in times where fur and hunting our own food has become mostly irrelevant... so why is this industry still booming?? Theres only one answer to that... GREED.

China steals and brutally murders millions of innocent animals each year without much regulation and exports them to outside countries. In fur farms, animals are kept in confined spaces, starved, skinned alive and just thrown on a pile of its peers to be disposed of... Is this what being humane means??

A lot of people may critisize me because i east meat and wear leather however there is a huge difference. Animals used for consumption ( Cows, chickens, lambs, sheep etc) are treated with respect before being slaughtered and the WHOLE animal is used and APPRICIATED.

Fur should be banned in every country because it is a sick and disgusting market and there should be serious consequences for the BASTARDS who hurt these animals.

Dont just sit by and say to yourself  ' Well theres nothing i can do' because there are so many charities and non-profit organisations trying to help. Help them too.We as humans most of the time are so selfish that we sometimes forget that we share this planet, and it woud suit us well to remeber it next time we think of giving to a charity.

How would you like if someone skinned you or your child alive... just for some money...