Wednesday 11 December 2013

Nelson Mandela. The Hero.

Nelson Mandela…. The man… The legend.  Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, born 18 July 1918, died 5 December 2013. For those of you who don’t know much about him, he was elected South Africa’s first black president in its first democratic elections in 1994.
This man was so rich with history it would just be too much to convey in a single blog (Go buy his book – Long walk to freedom). During the apartheid years he represented the black minorities and gave them hope that their oppression would one day subside. And in today’s generation he still represents hope, freedom and peace. This was a man who after being imprisoned for 27 years for unjust crimes, held no grudges and came out smiling once released. (This should be a lesson for all of us who’s anger and thirst for revenge flares us too quickly).

Nelson Mandela achieved a historically rare feat of uniting a fiercely divided country. After leaving the presidential office, he remained focused on championing peace and social justice not only in South Africa but around the world. Through his numerous charity’s and his philanthropy he made such huge contributions to the wellbeing of his people. Although most of us will never do the great things he did or influence people as much, we should still try to live and think the way he did. What you think is a small gesture may be the world to someone else.

Mandela’s legacy, the imperishable lesson he holds for the ages, and the reason why he stands head and shoulders above every leader of his generation, is that he showed it is possible to be a great human being and a great politician at the same time and showing respect to friends and enemies alike can get you a long, long way. Goodbye and may peace be always with you Madiba.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Loser shoots lion.

This post is sort of related to the fur one I posted a few months in the fact that it relates to the ill treatment of animals but in this case I am setting my sites on hunting.

A few weeks ago I read a story about an American woman named Melissa Bachman and it made me sick to my stomach. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about here’s the shortened version: This idiot contacted an agency who provided her with the opportunity to hunt a lion (Which is so disgusting since they are on the edge of extinction). She then proceeded to shoot and kill a male lion. After that horrific act, she then decided it would be a good idea to kneel behind the dead animal and take a picture (You know, for her new profile picture).
So now to the idiot in question. What the hell is wrong with you? Were you maybe dropped on your head as a child? Do you know the actions you have set in motion by killing a male lion? I’m guessing that by your bleached teeth and plastic boobs you’re not the brightest bulb in the box. By killing a male lion which most likely is the head of a pride of lions, you’re allowing another male lion to take over the pride. When the new male takes over the pride he proceeds to kill all cubs sired to the previous male (The one you just shot) thus resulting in MORE lion deaths, aiding their extinction.

This act is not even (In my opinion) classified as hunting since the agency (MAROI CONSERVANCY) imported the lion to a location for you to ‘stalk and kill’. Why don’t you try that in their natural habitat? Too dangerous maybe?
Now to the South African government (Which we all KNOW were dropped on their heads as babies), how can you stand by and watch yet another species make its way into extinction??? Anyone heard of Save the Rhino?? Yes we will soon be having a Save the Lion campaign because our government is too self-absorbed and money hungry to realise what we are letting happen.
I understand that hunting is used for acquiring food however what exactly are you going to do with a lion? Cut off its head and mount it on your wall? (Hope it falls on you by the way)

A piece of advice: Melissa, if you’re so into hunting and think its ‘an amazing lifestyle’, next time instead of murdering an animal, buy yourself a PlayStation and hunt virtually and save yourself (and your family) the humiliation of being named as a contributor to the extinction of a species.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Every dog has its day.

I grew up with parents who love animals, especially my dad. He had a big influence on be when it comes to animals, teaching me to respect and care for animals and not just treat them like lower creatures. So it is for this reason that i dont understand how a human being has the heart to hurt, torture and MURDER innocent animals either for their own pleasure or for mostly monetary gain.

We are now living in times where fur and hunting our own food has become mostly irrelevant... so why is this industry still booming?? Theres only one answer to that... GREED.

China steals and brutally murders millions of innocent animals each year without much regulation and exports them to outside countries. In fur farms, animals are kept in confined spaces, starved, skinned alive and just thrown on a pile of its peers to be disposed of... Is this what being humane means??

A lot of people may critisize me because i east meat and wear leather however there is a huge difference. Animals used for consumption ( Cows, chickens, lambs, sheep etc) are treated with respect before being slaughtered and the WHOLE animal is used and APPRICIATED.

Fur should be banned in every country because it is a sick and disgusting market and there should be serious consequences for the BASTARDS who hurt these animals.

Dont just sit by and say to yourself  ' Well theres nothing i can do' because there are so many charities and non-profit organisations trying to help. Help them too.We as humans most of the time are so selfish that we sometimes forget that we share this planet, and it woud suit us well to remeber it next time we think of giving to a charity.

How would you like if someone skinned you or your child alive... just for some money...

Monday 26 August 2013

The new apartheid...

So most people around the world know of the devistating effects of the South African apartheid. Some even compare it to the Hitler reign. The white afrikaans government segregated themselves from any other race of people and basically used their influence to change laws and put new ones in place to seperate the races from each other. This was one of the most horrific acts of abuse known in South African history and no one will let us forget it...

As a white female living in South Africa, i feel the pressure of segregation. The governement wanted retribution for the things that happened (Which fro the record i am NOT against). But how long is too long??
Its been 19 years since apartheid was done away with, yet the measurements put in place to help those who were oppressed, are still being enforced and rewarded.
In South Africa, government enforces AA( Afirmative Action ), BEE( Black Economic Empowerment) and BBBEE( Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) in the business sector and rewards business owners for having people of colour in their business, regardless of their experience or qualifications.
All these laws exclude only 'white people'.
South Africa professes to be a "rainbow nation" with "equal opportunites and rights" but behide the sceens, its the complete opposite. The government screws us on the sly and if we say something we are automatically made out to be a racist.

I am 21 years old and was only 2 years old when apartheid was done away with and i really believe i should be given equal opportunites and not be shunned because i was born a different race. Yes, it was despicable what the previous government did however there are some good things that came from it, the economy was better in those days, streets cleaner and more respect was instilled in the children.
In these days we have a sky high unemployment and poverty rates. More and more people are relying on grants from the government to live and provide for their families yet, if you speak to some of them, they are very able to look for work yet dont want to because they expect everything for nothing.

When i talk like this some people may say that i am being racist and that the scales need to be tipped back because of the unjustices of the passed. BUT i am not racist. I believe in TOTAL equal opportunity.
Not just for some.